Thursday, January 31, 2013

Snowy trees

Daily Gratitude

I'm shining today because I'm grateful for

  • Yoga pants. Seriously, this is my new uniform. I wear them just about every day; for sure every night in the winter. Target, you really did me right by having a great selection of Champion brand yoga pants. Don't know what I'd do without them.
  • The devotional book called Jesus Calling, Enjoying Peace in His Presence, by Sarah Young. My friend Debbie gave it to me for Christmas. It was a big seller over the holiday season. The daily readings are only about 100 or so words. Short, yet impacting. I sit and meditate on such thoughts as "my face is shining upon you", "trust me", and "I am renewing your mind". The peace that comes fuels the day. Thanks, Deb.
  • Boxed tofu. Yep, in a box, not refrigerated, straight off the shelf. I've been buying the Mori-Nu brand at my local Winco story. But, Trader Joe's has it as well. Love that I don't have to rinse it as soon as I get home from shopping or worry that it's going to bad in the refrigerator. It's amazing!

Snowy Trees

My dog Eddie and I took a little walk through the local golf course. It was stunning! I wish I had my Cannon with me to capture the crystalline beauty. However, Instagram on my phone served the purpose in a pinch. 

These trees line the street going to my home. Throughout the year they provide a canopy of beauty that changes with the seasons.

 A lone tree in a field of white. I love how it spread it's branches. It was glorious.

 Eddie and I hiked into the brushy woods on the outskirts of the course. It was magical.

 A wintry coating adorned every branch and twig.

I love the trees that cover the hills and valleys, surround the lake, and line the byways. I can never get enough of them. 

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