Monday, January 21, 2013

A season for cleansing

Daily Gratitude

I'm shining today because I'm grateful for:
The Presidential Inauguration - "Our Journey is Not Complete". While I may not agree with everything that's transpired over the past four years, this morning I was captivated by the inaugural proceedings. Every piece of the program was beautifully executed: the presidential address, the proud faces of the participants and the individuals in the crowd., the stunning poem by Richard Blanco that captured the heart of America, both the invocation by Myrlie Evers-Williams and the blessing by Dr. Luis Leon, and the stunning music by the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir, Beyonce, Kelly Clarkson and James Taylor. All was exceptional. Today, I am grateful and proud to be an American! 

A Season for Cleansing

My juicer has become my best friend! Last Wednesday I started on a strict cleansing diet that incorporates juicing. For the next couple of weeks I'm eliminating fats, dairy, simple and complex carbs, caffeine, and alcohol. What does that leave? Vegetables, lean protein, and low-sugar fruits. Sound crazy? Maybe!

In years past I've done detox regimes, various elimination diets, as well as juice and water fasts. It's been quite a few years and I'm greatly overdue for another. Which has been evidenced by my discomfort! Before I get into that, let me tell you about juicing.

My juicing machine isn't anything fancy. It just does a good job and that's all I need. This morning I combined kale, cucumbers, celery, carrots, ginger, lemon, apple, and spinach. Who needs coffee with this enzyme-packed combo!

There's something so fresh and light about celery. The smell is green and my body loves it. I try to add it to every batch.

The colors of the vegetable and fruit juices are vibrant. I wish they would stay layered and beautiful like this when I pour the fluid into a glass.

Sometimes the mix is not so lovely, especially if I add beets. Can you say swamp water? To make up for the strange color, I drink from my special glass. No matter how funky looking, it tastes like heaven. Chugging the extraction is made even better knowing how much good it's going to do once it gets in my body.

A word of caution: Detoxing from fats, dairy, simple and complex carbs, caffeine, and alcohol can be uncomfortable. One can experience hunger, weakness, bad breath, muscle aches, back pain, headaches, nausea, skin disturbances, tiredness, and nervousness. Certainly not for the faint of heart. One must take extra precaution to support the liver and kidneys.

I found a couple of great sites for detoxing with juicing. Check these out: Juicer Detox Recipes, Detox for Life, and All About Juicing.

Coffee will return to morning routine, a gin martini will be enjoyed now and then. However, I resolve to keep toxins away. So, look out lasagna! Stay away pies and cakes! You're no longer welcome here...

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