Saturday, November 9, 2013

When the Spirit moves

Daily Gratitude

  • Rest and rejuvenation. Oh, how beautiful a good night's sleep is! I've had a string of restless nights and this morning I woke feeling ready for the work I must face: packing and hauling boxes. 
  • Grateful for the generous help of loved ones. Yay! Moving is made fun when people you love are lending a hand! 
  • Coffee, I love you. Yes, I tell you this often. But, please know I never take you for granted. 

Moved by the Spirit

As I am packing away most of my possessions and putting them in storage, I find myself distracted by things I haven't seen for a while. This morning I found these paintings. I was going through a beautiful spiritual metamorphosis and attempted to put some of this change on paper. I'm not an artist, so this was a new thing for me. When I found these today, it reminded me how beautiful this time was and it reignited the Spirit within.

Out of the Darkness Came Light

When the Spirit Moves
Cracked Pots 
Readying the Harvest
Gift of Life 

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Shiny, happy girl

Daily Gratitude

  • Over the past few months several of my long-term dreams have started forming in reality. Graduate school. Moving from my home to a new place. A couple of new jobs. And, more... I am thrilled. I am blessed. I am Shiny and Happy! 
  • The snow has started to make its way to my lake community. It's cold and wet. Yet, I like it. This change in seasons is why I love living here. Welcome, Winter! 
  • Loved ones continue to bless me. How can I say to each of you how much my life is colored by your generous gestures. 

I'm feeling shiny. I'm feeling happy! 

Though skies are dark and stormy, my heart is bright with joy! I am bursting with light and I'm going to let it burn full power. Look out, it's brilliant in here!