Daily Gratitude
- Rest and rejuvenation. Oh, how beautiful a good night's sleep is! I've had a string of restless nights and this morning I woke feeling ready for the work I must face: packing and hauling boxes.
- Grateful for the generous help of loved ones. Yay! Moving is made fun when people you love are lending a hand!
- Coffee, I love you. Yes, I tell you this often. But, please know I never take you for granted.
Moved by the Spirit
As I am packing away most of my possessions and putting them in storage, I find myself distracted by things I haven't seen for a while. This morning I found these paintings. I was going through a beautiful spiritual metamorphosis and attempted to put some of this change on paper. I'm not an artist, so this was a new thing for me. When I found these today, it reminded me how beautiful this time was and it reignited the Spirit within.
Out of the Darkness Came Light |
When the Spirit Moves |
Cracked Pots |
Readying the Harvest |
Gift of Life |
They are BEAUTIFUL, Shelley.