Thursday, January 31, 2013

Snowy trees

Daily Gratitude

I'm shining today because I'm grateful for

  • Yoga pants. Seriously, this is my new uniform. I wear them just about every day; for sure every night in the winter. Target, you really did me right by having a great selection of Champion brand yoga pants. Don't know what I'd do without them.
  • The devotional book called Jesus Calling, Enjoying Peace in His Presence, by Sarah Young. My friend Debbie gave it to me for Christmas. It was a big seller over the holiday season. The daily readings are only about 100 or so words. Short, yet impacting. I sit and meditate on such thoughts as "my face is shining upon you", "trust me", and "I am renewing your mind". The peace that comes fuels the day. Thanks, Deb.
  • Boxed tofu. Yep, in a box, not refrigerated, straight off the shelf. I've been buying the Mori-Nu brand at my local Winco story. But, Trader Joe's has it as well. Love that I don't have to rinse it as soon as I get home from shopping or worry that it's going to bad in the refrigerator. It's amazing!

Snowy Trees

My dog Eddie and I took a little walk through the local golf course. It was stunning! I wish I had my Cannon with me to capture the crystalline beauty. However, Instagram on my phone served the purpose in a pinch. 

These trees line the street going to my home. Throughout the year they provide a canopy of beauty that changes with the seasons.

 A lone tree in a field of white. I love how it spread it's branches. It was glorious.

 Eddie and I hiked into the brushy woods on the outskirts of the course. It was magical.

 A wintry coating adorned every branch and twig.

I love the trees that cover the hills and valleys, surround the lake, and line the byways. I can never get enough of them. 

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Making my own sunshine

Daily Gratitude

I'm shining today because I'm grateful for:
  • The uplifted and peaceful feeling I have when I play my piano. In the past, practice was part of my daily routine. There's no good reason why it shouldn't be now. Sadly, I just plain forget. Yet, when I do play, I feel centered and happy. Thinking I need to add back the 30 minutes of play to my day.
  • Friday morning phone visits with my mom. Through good times, through bad times, my Friday morning check-in with mom is a constant. Sure, there are weeks that one of us isn't available because she's at the ocean taking art classes or I'm engaged in some meeting or another. For the most part, Friday morning at 8:00 I call and listen for her happy hello. We never know where the conversation will go and it's a wonderful thing.
  • Yaktrax! This morning I didn't fall when walking on snow covered ice while walking Eddie. And, that's something to be very grateful for! My little dog is ever anxious to explore the morning. He pulls and jumps (I know, not well leash trained). This behavior is not conducive to snowy hills and streets blanketed to conceal the ice below. Donning my Yaktrax allows him to jump and dart as he pleases.

Making my own sunshine

When it's cloudy and grey, bring your own sunshine. Today I need an extra dose. Maybe these sunny images will help!

Ahhhhh, yes! That feels much better! 

Monday, January 21, 2013

A season for cleansing

Daily Gratitude

I'm shining today because I'm grateful for:
The Presidential Inauguration - "Our Journey is Not Complete". While I may not agree with everything that's transpired over the past four years, this morning I was captivated by the inaugural proceedings. Every piece of the program was beautifully executed: the presidential address, the proud faces of the participants and the individuals in the crowd., the stunning poem by Richard Blanco that captured the heart of America, both the invocation by Myrlie Evers-Williams and the blessing by Dr. Luis Leon, and the stunning music by the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir, Beyonce, Kelly Clarkson and James Taylor. All was exceptional. Today, I am grateful and proud to be an American! 

A Season for Cleansing

My juicer has become my best friend! Last Wednesday I started on a strict cleansing diet that incorporates juicing. For the next couple of weeks I'm eliminating fats, dairy, simple and complex carbs, caffeine, and alcohol. What does that leave? Vegetables, lean protein, and low-sugar fruits. Sound crazy? Maybe!

In years past I've done detox regimes, various elimination diets, as well as juice and water fasts. It's been quite a few years and I'm greatly overdue for another. Which has been evidenced by my discomfort! Before I get into that, let me tell you about juicing.

My juicing machine isn't anything fancy. It just does a good job and that's all I need. This morning I combined kale, cucumbers, celery, carrots, ginger, lemon, apple, and spinach. Who needs coffee with this enzyme-packed combo!

There's something so fresh and light about celery. The smell is green and my body loves it. I try to add it to every batch.

The colors of the vegetable and fruit juices are vibrant. I wish they would stay layered and beautiful like this when I pour the fluid into a glass.

Sometimes the mix is not so lovely, especially if I add beets. Can you say swamp water? To make up for the strange color, I drink from my special glass. No matter how funky looking, it tastes like heaven. Chugging the extraction is made even better knowing how much good it's going to do once it gets in my body.

A word of caution: Detoxing from fats, dairy, simple and complex carbs, caffeine, and alcohol can be uncomfortable. One can experience hunger, weakness, bad breath, muscle aches, back pain, headaches, nausea, skin disturbances, tiredness, and nervousness. Certainly not for the faint of heart. One must take extra precaution to support the liver and kidneys.

I found a couple of great sites for detoxing with juicing. Check these out: Juicer Detox Recipes, Detox for Life, and All About Juicing.

Coffee will return to morning routine, a gin martini will be enjoyed now and then. However, I resolve to keep toxins away. So, look out lasagna! Stay away pies and cakes! You're no longer welcome here...

Friday, January 11, 2013

Looking ahead

Daily Gratitude

I'm shining today because I'm grateful for:
  • My local library. Right down the road from me is the greatest little library! It's a treasure I use often. 
  • Positive and generous friends! Yes, I know I say this often. To have such an abundance of lovely people in my life is a blessing I'm grateful for every single day. May I be an enriching force in their lives in return!
  • Pinterest. Isn't it the coolest? My eyes can't get enough of the interesting things there. I've made some great Pin friends as well. Love it! Check out my boards: Shelley Hepler

Looking ahead

Contemplating the blank canvas of the 12 months before me, I remember some of the things I keep thinking I'll do. This year I'm committing to knocking three of the items off my "someday" list. I've actually already started on them. They are:

Start a Book Club

After several years of talking about starting a reading group, I've decided to jump in. Without out much ado, I invited a few of my book-loving friends to join me in reading and discussing Tracy Chevalier's newest book, "The Last Runaway." Chevalier is one of my favorite authors, writing about women and issues specific to historical periods. Now that I've set this in motion, I'd like to share a book each month. I think it will be fun to together decide what we'll read and why. Maybe we'll rotate who takes the lead on the discussion. I'm excited!

Find and attend unique conferences, seminars, workshops, and other learning opportunities

Just as I set this as a true intention for this year, my friend Amy invited me to a women's retreat at the Immaculate Heart Retreat Center. I've wanted to go to this retreat center for some time and now I'm going this weekend. This is an excellent start for moving on my goal. Super cool! 

         Register with the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) 

Next week I'm going to visit my Aunt Kathy. She is the family historian on my mom's side of the family. Years ago she combined her interest in the Civil War with her love of traveling to track down documents and information about our family ancestry  The wealth of information she's gathered is amazing. A couple of years ago she completed enough information to quality as a DAR member. Because she has documentation that proves she is a descendant from a Revolutionary war veteran, I now can piggyback on her paper trail. When I see Kathy, I'm going to ask what I need to do to get it done this year. Yup, I'm just going to do it.

Hey, if I get these three things going right way this year, I might even get to a few more items on that "someday" list! 

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Life is...

Daily Gratitude

I'm shining today because I'm grateful for:
  • My leopard print ear muffs. What a funky Christmas gift! Morgan, my son, gave me a pair of ear warmers that are wired with speakers. Listening to my music is now not only more comfortable, but a cozy and stylish experience. 
  • An organized dresser. Loaded up a big mug of coffee and happily organized my dresser. Being neat and tidy behind the scenes feels clean and good.
  • Conversation with friends. I am refreshed and filled. My BFF Debbie and I indulged in hours upon hours of hanging out. No movies, no music. Just good dialog, laughter, and yummy food. Ahhhhh.....

Wise and beautiful words for today from Mother Teresa

Life is an opportunity, benefit from it.
Life is beauty, admire it.
Life is a dream, realize it.
Life is a challenge, meet it.
Life is a duty, complete it.
Life is a game, play it.
Life is a promise, fulfill it.
Life is sorrow, overcome it.
Life is a song, sing it.
Life is a struggle, accept it.
Life is a tragedy, confront it.
Life is an adventure, dare it.
Life is luck, make it.
Life is too precious, do not destroy it.
Life is life, fight for it.
~Mother Teresa

Image source: Live HapILLY

Thursday, January 3, 2013

In the waiting

Daily Gratitude

I'm shining today because I'm grateful for:
  • Beautiful, crystalline sunshine. The air is crackling with frigid energy today. Add a little coffee, and we have the perfect morning!
  • My sister, Leslie. What an amazing woman! She has creative talent like an artesian spring, endless generosity of heart for her family and community, and a bright mischievousness in her eyes that delights. I'm so blessed to have her as my dear friend.
  • Dreams of inspiration. I love nighttime and daytime dreams. Do you journal them? I do!

A thought or two about waiting...

Time is very slow for those who wait
Very fast for those who are scared
Very long for those who lament 
Very short for those who celebrate
But for those who love time is eternal
~William Shakespeare

Being the action-oriented person that I am, waiting doesn't come naturally to me. It's been an uncomfortable place, making me feel passive and inept. I've felt much like this definition of waiting:
intransitive verb do nothing expecting something to happen: to stay in one place or do nothing for a period of time until something happens or in the expectation or hope that something will happen
There was too much of this kind of waiting in my life in last year. The pining, anxious, worrisome type. When will work come? How will I honor my financial commitments? What will happen to the goals and dreams I believe are right? Who will come to love and cherish me? There's nothing wrong or bad about these questions, rather it's the attitude or place from where I asked them.

Crazy! I am a woman of alacrity, meeting the world with an eager smile and a ready attitude! What happened to the bright, shiny girl who loves challenges and change? Waiting. Waiting did it. Yet, upon contemplation, I remembered that there are different kinds of waiting. 

In the new year, I am going to honor the every-ready quality of temperament that God gave me. There's still some waiting ahead. However, I've decided to embrace this version of waiting:
intransitive verb be ready or available: to be ready or available for somebody to take or use
Yes! I can turn a heavy, burdensome thing into something good, something powerful. And, as an added measure, I'm committing to an extra dose of love. Loving the place I am in, being in the ready for challenge and change.

I'm thinking this new year is gonna be amazing!