Sunday, October 21, 2012

After the company's gone

Daily Gratitude

I'm shining today because I'm grateful for:
  • Hot showers. This morning I luxuriated in the steamy streams, cleansing my head of troubles. I emerged warm, smelling good, and peaceful.
  • Routine. I know, most of you can't believe this! However, there are things I count on to keep me sane. These routines are the foundation of the awesomeness that happens during the day.
  • Quiet days like today. 

My Friends Were Here

The morning after is good. I'm reminded of this when I stumble into the kitchen to make my blessed pot of coffee and see dishes from an evening of fun. 

No matter that the stove is grimy...

That remnants of enjoyment are still out....

Or that bits of garbage need clearing....

Who cares that soaking pots and pans now need attention...

And, that random dishes need to be cleared.

As I happily return my kitchen to it's neat and tidy standard, I think about my friends and how they color my life. Laughter. Creative food. Great wine. Stimulating conversation. All let me know I am blessed and loved. This is the joy that remains....

After the company's gone. 

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh... great memories of such a nice evening. I think I see my lipstick on one of those glasses. :)
